Sunday, June 3, 2018

The World of MavrosCraft

The World of MavrosCraft 
March 2018

I have been on my soapbox for awhile now about various things I wanted Blizzard to change. Time to put those ruminations to “paper”.

I wanted to give all that will read this my perspective on things I wish Blizzard would change about the World of Warcraft. First, what gives me the authority to criticize the behemoth that is Blizzard about their longest running intellectual property? Well, my experience and my long journey with them through every xpac in this World of Warcraft that many of us still love. When you love something you want to make it better, so here are my thoughts on making it better. PLUS, instead of just bitching about it...I am writing about it.

When I started playing WOW, many of you were probably still in diapers or at least still wetting the bed. I am sure some of you are still wetting the bed and some are wetting themselves on purpose for reasons we do not quite understand...uhum...Prakas. As a side note, I have been playing this game with Bloodrooted, Ishin, Stranglehorn, and Wornight for OVER 10 years together. Not sure many know that, but that is a long journey to be on with some people you met in-game over a decade ago.

I know my views on things may seem a bit one-sided at times and really revolve around end-game, but so be it. The rest of the game is fluff to me, the real challenge is Mythic raid bosses and working as a team to get them down. I guess NOW there is also M+ dungeons which to me are an awesome addition to the game.

In no particular order I humbly suggest these changes to Blizzard. Feel free to critique/comment/disagree/agree with any of them and reference them by number for easier reference.

1) Mythic raids should be flexible/scalable from 15-20 raiders. In this day and age, it is harder and harder to get 20 stable individuals together. SO, scale it and be done with the nonsense. What is that you say? The raids are tuned for 20?? Well, not anymore, now they need to be tuned for 15-20 and change mechanics/boss health/boss damage based on it. Whatever..just do it, it will make SO many guilds happy and like 3 top guilds unhappy. They can go play League of Legends. Honestly, is there even a “world race” anymore? Do people even care when NOW 15 year olds are winning 100K playing Hearthstone and Overwatch tournaments?

2) Timewalking has to go! No one is that nostalgic and it ruins the fun of the nostalgia that we MIGHT have even had. It literally leaves a bad taste in my mouth. In the latest updates, Blizzard has made TW even more tedious and time consuming. The words “I hate TW” are synonymous with “Blood is a perv and wears a dirty clown suit” at this point. EITHER make it 1-2 5 mans a week for TW bonus OR get rid of it entirely! Seriously, NO one will miss it, not even Ishin.

3) Tier sets. Blizzard cannot get it right, so they opted to get rid of them entirely. Dumb when there is an EASY fix. My solution is to just give a FLAT PRIMARY stat increase for 2pc, 4pc, 6 pc bonuses. Voila! Fixed! Now every current tier is now BETTER than the last tier. Was it that hard? Send me my check please! Use talent builds for cool mechanics, procs, etc.

4) Leveling. FFS give us a new way to level. I do not want to do the stupid quests to gather 10 feathers from decaying birds anymore then go back and turn it in to go kill the decaying boss bird that poops out a key that is needed to open a chest that has rat feces in it so that Apateaz can trade it to me in raid. STOP it. We have been doing it for FAR too long. Give us a NEW WAY. I also don't mean 5 man spamming....that will ruin our 5 man experience, but doing some 5 mans on the way to max level would be cool OR let me pay my way to max level. I do not care about the story, although watching Ysera die made me sad as well as Margaux from Suramar, but those were cut scenes, so for that, YouTube.

5) Legendary items should go bye-bye. They are doing this in BFA, TG! It was a decent idea, terrible execution. I would be ok if they brought them back, but purely with utility not HPS/DPS increases.

6) Primary stats should be 10 times better then secondary. ENOUGH with wearing lower iL gear because crit is better than primary stat or a different secondary stat by X. I thought Blizzard was trying to simplify?? They failed, SO, another EASY solution is to bump primary stats WAYYY up for every class and spec. Fixed again! Higher iL loot should always be better than lower iL loot, no matter what!

7) Add primary stat to necklaces and rings. This keeps #6 intact.

8) Bring back mass summon. It is just tedious to wait for a lock or use the dumb stone. Why are you making us waste our precious time?

9) IF #8 cannot be done, THEN summoning should be allowed by more than warlocks. Battle rezes went from Druid to then DK, druid, hunter, and lock. Why not do the same with warlock summons OR just add mass summons back in see #8

10) DO NOT being back reforging, adds too much nonsense to the game. With the primary stat fix above with #6, it should not matter. Secondaries should just be for fun and an afterthought really. Make us master our rotation, our class, our toolkit, not min-maxing secondary stats to eek out 1-2% more. That is the exact definition of NOT fun.

11) Survival hunter. So, Blizz added a new melee class to the game in Demon Hunters. So, then with an influx of melee, what is the smart thing to do? Make one of the 3 hunters specs melee of course!! WTH?! Make it ranged again and stop it and do not do that again.

12) The Warlock DEMO spec should be a tank spec. I stole this idea, but I saw someone else say it and I liked the idea! More tank specs is never a bad thing.

13) ADD a new class with all 4 specs. An Illusionist is my idea. That way they project an image of a tank or healer or melee or ranged role. Projections can vary. Maybe they get a certain class of projections like ghosts or undead, demons, bugs, vacuum cleaners, etc. whatever, I think you get the point! Could be fun!

14) Keep working Mythic +. A really great start to make 5 mans meaningful again! Award much higher rewards for getting keys on TIME though. Add rewards for going beyond a +15 also, maybe not loot as that would imbalance the game, but reward with re-roll tokens or something more useful yet worthwhile.

15) Raid trash. Once a raid is cleared 5 times, allow for trash to be turned off. I mean, do we need to keep wasting our time doing it? Honestly, at this point, there should be 1 trash pull before a boss and that is it. Trash in raid = NOT fun.

16) Get rid of LFR. 4 levels for a raid is ridiculous. I say make two raids every tier. One is N and H, the other is H and M. Oh, the people doing N can't do the H/M raid? Get in a guild and get good or go play a new game. Stop crying, l2play, or go play Candy Crush. The noobs and shitters and whiners that the game was too hard made Greg Street leave Blizz, now I want you all to leave or re-roll on Azralon.

17) All Portugese speaking servers should be grouped and NOT allowed to co-mingle with US servers. ENOUGH, stop it...I do not want to pug with them anymore. I know some are good, but most that pug SUCK. Oh and I cannot f'ing understand them nor them me!

18) Quality of life change. Gold should be server-wide. Why do I need to swap to different toons on same server to transfer gold? Dumb. Fix it and let us rejoice and sing your praises...naked.

19) Auto-ban anyone that uses the word RIP in game. It's as bad as people sill saying “LEEROOY”. Ban them both for 1 week, if continued, perma-ban and send them a link to candy crush. What? You do not like that? Too bad and get off my lawn!

20) Only allow people that have topped AND bottomed into raid groups.

21) Stop with the Vanilla WOW server. What a waste of time and effort and money. Give us more content not recycle the shit that sucked back then. The trend will be near comical as month 1 there will be millions of new people, month 2, a drop of 90% when they realize, YES, it sucked, but it was ALL we knew back then.

I am sure there are more and I will add to this list. Share your thoughts. I am sure Blizzard doesn't really care what I say, but it felt good to get it on paper.

Always Yours,

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